Video still of Mariannette Miller-Meeks on Iowa Press, Dec. 4, 2020.

By Don Paulson, Letts

What an embarrassment to the people of eastern Iowa. Republican U.S. Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks voted “yes” to impeach the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security on two trumped-up (no pun intended) charges that was done for political theater. Four Republicans sided with every Democrat to defeat the impeachment attempt. But not Miller-Meeks — apparently she will go along with any ridiculous attempt to attack or “investigate” President Biden or deflect bad publicity away from a vulnerable Republican. There was no evidence of wrongdoing, yet they voted to impeach anyway.

Right now the U.S. House is controlled by Republicans who can’t get their act together. They are incapable of governing because of in-fighting with an extreme rightwing 30-member faction called the “Freedom Caucus” and with Senate Republicans on some issues.

For the first time in a long while the U.S. Senate came up with a bipartisan immigration bill. Under Trump’s orders, the House declared it was dead on arrival. For years Republicans have shed big crocodile tears about the southern border of the United States. Did they do anything to fix the source of the problem in the past Administration? No, of course not. They just want to use it as a campaign issue.

Did Mariannette Miller-Meeks stand up and yell, “Stop this nonsense! We need to work together to fix the problem in a bipartisan way!” No, she won’t do that. She works for her party, not for her constituents or her country.

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