FOR EVERYONE ~ Synchronicity. July’s energies are lively and energizing, but they are also changeful and destabilizing. Relationships of all kinds, at home and at work or in the classroom, are under pressure. In fact, we could discover genuinely disturbing things about people we thought we knew. There is a benevolent, supportive vibe beneath it all. Things really are a bit nuts but, in many cases, they will have a way of working out for the best. The planets will be especially generous to those who can see beyond their own needs and consider the needs of others.


ARIES ~ Nerve center. You need people to cooperate in new and different ways. However, people are occupied with their own changes; relationship issues abound. Some difficult, long-term relationship issues are surfacing. Some of the issues are, well, weird. You’ll need to work around a lot of stuff and be clear about what’s realistic. But you might also need to look beyond your own personal priorities. Take a kinder, gentler approach. Looking beyond your immediate circle could reveal surprising partnership opportunities. You’re still at the beginning of a growth cycle.

TAURUS ~ Shifting realities. Your destination and the path to it both keep shifting. You can stay on course by doing what needs to be done no matter what eventually happens. To be honest, the old you isn’t quite up to the new challenges. You need to do a little soul searching. Apply some tender loving care to yourself. Having said that, Taurus is starting a new cycle of personal growth and prosperity. There are challenges ahead, but you’ll have solid planetary support. Stick to your budget; prioritize long-term savings and investments.

GEMINI ~ Collective need. Gemini has an especially prominent role to play in July. You’ll want to speak out more forcefully and directly than usual to make change a reality. And your words will resonate strongly. But nothing will have an effect unless you consider broader community and national needs–not just the needs of those close to you. Putting yourself first will lead to obstacles. This is one of those special times when consideration for the needs and expectations of others will pay off. Events will reveal exciting partnership opportunities.

CANCER ~ Tough sell. Finances, relationships and family are all front and center. Each is changing in dramatic and *potentially* positive ways. There’s no going back, either. Keeping these changes on track toward a positive outcome adds up to a lot of work. You need to inspire strong faith in a vision of attractive but unproven, uncertain possibilities. You also need to secure compromise and personal sacrifice from everyone on behalf of this vision. If sharing and consciousness raising is your goal, you can count on the unstinting support of the planets.

LEO ~ Coach. Strange currents and strong tensions are running through events. That’s on top of all the personal changes everyone is dealing with. Your livelihood depends on helping others deal effectively with changes and issues. You need others to resolve their issues or get past them. Fortunately, Leo is uniquely well-suited to help people find solutions. Steer people away from abstractions and noble-sounding pronouncements. This month, the planets want people to do the hard, closeup, hands-on work of building maintaining or repairing key partnerships. The planets will richly reward those who do so.

VIRGO ~ Diplomacy. It’s hard for anyone to know the right move now. But your guidance might be the best available. You’re very aware of the complexities and uncertainties. But you are also intuitively in touch with the best possibilities; you know what will succeed. Unfortunately, some in authority might have the worst ideas about what to do. Some could even respond erratically under pressure. Your livelihood and those of others could depend on how effectively you can handle all that. Even so, you are very well-placed to benefit financially and in other ways.

LIBRA ~ Weirdness. Librans are experiencing what everyone else is, only more so. Family, relationships and job are all pulling in different directions. And you need to keep your personal dreams alive. All this when you don’t have much to spare, financially or otherwise. Finding a formula that keeps everything in balance is just plain hard. You need to be especially careful of people with strange ideas and/or serious personality issues. They can cause major problems now. Long-term financial matters are under very positive influences. Just don’t increase your debt load.

SCORPIO ~ Sanctuaries. Scorpios are tuned into the change pulsing through their community and social circles. Your receptive nature makes you acutely aware of what’s happening. Personal relationships and support networks especially are on everyone’s mind, including yours. Everyone is increasingly involved with and dependent on others in their daily lives. Cooperation is needed to make the best use of shared resources. Despite your reticence, you should take a leadership role in creating and expanding personal networks. The planets will reward you for it. Avoid pointless arguments with irrational or immature people.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Redirect. Sagittarians are up to their ears in rebellious, innovative, occasionally weird energies. You will probably also meet people pushing change in a self-serving direction. Your livelihood and lifestyle, your peace of mind and those of many others, will depend on your ability to redirect this energy. You won’t have the power to twist arms or the money to bribe people. Fortunately, neither will most of your opponents. Dialogue and other, civil forms of persuasion must do, for now. The thing is, though, the planets are really on your side.

CAPRICORN ~ Fault lines. Alliances that once kept your work and home life stable continue to shift. Some key relationships are slipping. Many who serve, depend on or take orders from you are rebelling in ‘unhelpful,’ even strange or irrational ways. You need to inspire a broader, saner, more civil perspective in all concerned. The planets indicate a cycle of economic relief for Capricorns. Use this breathing space to deepen your understanding and expand your spiritual resources. Realistically, cultivating inner resources will be essential to meet current challenges. Creative endeavors prosper.

AQUARIUS ~ Detach. The Zodiac is pumping unusually high levels of Uranian energy into our lives all month long. This is putting Aquarians under intense social and psychological pressure. Socially, you could be drawn into too many debates with people who don’t really understand Aquarian issues. Psychologically, you could be overstimulated by all the Aquarian sights and sounds and feelings coming at you. You could encounter especially gnarly relationship issues, firsthand or indirectly. Insulate yourself as effectively as you can. Encourage those you do contact to start looking beyond narrow self-interest.

PISCES ~ Disentanglement. Pisceans will gain a fresh perspective on the confusing and fast-moving situation(s) they’ve been more or less hopelessly embroiled in for some months. Things will continue to get wilder and crazier. You’ll still be surrounded by turbulent events. But, now, you can and should start disengaging. Take a fresh look at involvements that aren’t what they seemed. Disengage from lingering commitments and avoid new ones, at least for the present. Even commitments that seem harmless now can get out of control. Establish and maintain freedom of movement going forward.

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