Times New Viking w/ Solid Attitude | 9 PM | The Mill | $8, 21+

On the 30th of November, the Mill will be receiving a rather noisy guest in the form of Times New Viking. Hailing from Columbus, OH, the trio has been burning the country down for the past few years, playing their own brand of music. While they were bumped into the no-fi movement of 2008 with the release of Rip It Off, they’re not of it. Sure, they have the same sort of bargain basement aesthetic as bands like Crystal Stilts. That’s where the similarity stops though.

Unlike their Brooklyn contemporaries, Times New Viking write pop songs. They are a pop band. They just play it loudly like rock and roll should be played. As if this weren’t enough, TNV actually have emotions and use them to their advantage. There is only so long a band can play with utter disinterest. Most importantly, TNV likes to have fun. Their stage shows are known for their intensity and quality.

With the help of Solid Attitude (the opener, not the idea), Times New Viking will deliver a fun show in the middle of what is turning out to be a very bad week.

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A.C. Hawley is around town. He rides a red bike. If you need him, he's reachable.

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